Δεν τα κατάφερα να κοιμηθώ ουτε λεπτό...
Αγρίεψα πολύ με την δολοφονία τού συμπολίτη μας στο κέντρο της Αθήνας.
Για μία κάμερα!!
Λίγο πριν γεννηθεί το δεύτερο παιδί του!! Δεν είναι ο πρώτος και φοβάμαι ούτε ο τελευταίος πού χάνει τη ζωη του για το τίποτα.
Ο θάνατος του φούντωσε για άλλη μια φορά τη συζήτηση για το γνωστό και χρόνιο θέμα: Μετανάστες!
(δεν ξέρω αν έχει ξεκαθαριστεί ότι τον μαχαίρωσαν αλλοδαποί,αλλά για την οικονομία της συζήτησης,ας πούμε ότι έτσι είναι)
Με εκνευρίζουν όσοι πιστεύουν βλακωδώς ότι μπορούν να λύσουν το πρόβλημα, ξυλοκοπώντας όποιον μη Έλληνα βρουν στο διάβα τους και χαιρετώντας ναζιστικά.
Φοβισμένα ανθρωπάκια, με μικρά στενά μυαλά και ανάγκη να υπερασπίσουν την όποια"ανωτερότητα" βαυκαλίζονται ότι έχουν.
Μου κάνουν κουρέλια το νευρικό σύστημα,όμως και οι ακραίοι της απέναντι όχθης. Κι αυτοί ναρκισσεύονται με τον τρόπο τους και με το πόσο "ανώτεροι" και φιλάνθρωποι είναι, τύπου ας ανοίξουμε την αγκαλιά μας να κουρνιάσουν οι κατατρεγμένοι τού πλανήτη.(Μακάρι να μπορούσαμε, ειλικρινά, αλλά δεν το βλέπω πρακτικό και δεν θα ήθελα επίσης οι κατατρεγμένοι να με μαχαιρώνουν αν έχουν την καλοσύνη)
Μού κάνουν λίγο φιλανθρωπικό τέϊο με λεμόνι...
It's been 20 something years that the Greek society had it's first big shock: Greece, a country that send migrant workers to Europe, Australia and USA just a generation ago ,became overnight a country receiving migrants !!
It was a huge surprise. At first the society managed to cope. The majority of the foreigners were from next door Albania-some were hardened criminals,but most were hard-working law-abiding people. The majority passed through the mountain tracks to avoid customs and patrols because they had no passports.
Then migrant workers started coming in from other Balkan neighboring countries or from Poland/Georgia etc.
But it was more or less OK.Greece was preparing for the Olympic Games,there was economic growth so there were enough jobs for everyone.

Κοινό χαρακτηριστικό και των δύο κατηγοριών η γενίκευση. Αυτή η μαλακισμένη λειτουργία τού ανασφαλούς ανθρώπινου εγκεφάλου που τσουβαλιάζει συλλήβδην ανά κατηγορία και ετικέττα:
"ΟΛΟΙ οι ..... ειναι......!!!"
Στα κενά συμπληρώνουμε κατά βούληση: Ελληνες-λεβεντες, Ιταλοι-Μαφιόζοι, Εγγλέζοι-αδερφές, Μεσήνιοι-χαρτοκλέφτες, Μουσουλμάνοι-φανατικοί, Σκωτσέζοι-τσικούνηδες, αντρες-καθάρματα, γυναίκες-πουτάνες, λαθρομετανάστες-δαίμονες, λαθρομετανάστες-άγγελοι και πάει λέγοντας.
Things got out of control 5-6 years ago when shiploads of migrants/refugees started arriving from all over Asia and Africa-Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, Morocco, Pakistan....name it! Nobody knows how many they are, estimates mention about 700.000-1.000.000 in a country with 11.000.000 inhabitants.

Οταν βέβαια μας το κάνουν εμάς, καθόλου δεν μας αρέσει. Οταν τα ξένα ΜΜΕ μας χαρακτηρίζουν συλλήβδην (γιατί η μαλακισμένη λειτουργία του εγκεφάλου δεν είναι Ελληνικό copy write) τεμπέληδες, αχαϊρευτους και τρακαδόρους, σπεύδουμε να επισημάνουμε προσβεβλημένοι ότι "δεν είμαστε ολοι οι Ελληνες το ίδιο".
90% of these people don't even want to stay in Greece. Too small a country,no more jobs or money. They want to reach western Europe,but without passports they can't leave.No other European country will take them, Greece has no means to repatriate them-no funds and since they have no papers, repatriate them where?
So they get trapped in a limbo, they live in awful conditions, they can't find any jobs ,so they turn to crime, Greeks get angry, blame foreigners for everything and a vicious circle goes on and on.
Even worse, gangs of migrants from f.i Sudan clash with migrants from f.i Nigeria in the center of the city with swords,bows and arrows!!!
(If it wasn't so scary, it would have been hilarious)
Οι χειρότεροι είναι ,όμως ,οι της τρίτης κατηγορίας.
Αυτοί, που ενώ δημόσια-στο καφενείο,στην παρέα η στην τηλεόραση- σκίζουν τις νταντέλες τους για το πράμα που έχει φτάσει στο απροχώρητο με τους λαθρομετανάστες, τούς εκμεταλλεύονται άγρια,κανονικότατα και πολύ συχνά και βάρβαρα.
Πολλά τα λεφτά, Αρη...Κι από τα διαμερίσματα-κοτέτσια, κι από τα παράβολα για την αδεια παραμονής, κι από τούς ζητιάνους και τους μικροπωλητές, κι από τα πλαστά διαβατήρια και τις ψεύτικες ελληνοποιήσεις, απο την ανασφάλιστη εργασία αλλοδαπών...όλα αυτά μεταφράζονται σε μετρητά λαχταριστά και μαύρα.

Και λέω τώρα, γιατί έχω καχύποπτο μυαλό,μπάς και γιά να συνεχιστεί το άρμεγμα των ξένων αφήνουν κάποιοι εδώ και δύο δεκαετίες το πρόβλημα να σέρνεται χωρίς λύση, χωρίς κανόνες χωρίς κανένα σχέδιο;
Θα μου πείς, πρότεινε εσύ, έξυπνη,σχέδιο και λύση.
Δεν έχω.
Για τα μόνα πού είμαι σίγουρη ειναι ότι:
α.Τό 90% των μεταναστών ΔΕΝ ΘΕΛΟΥΝ να μείνουν στην Ελλαδα, απλώς εγκλωβίζονται λόγω Δουβλίνου
β.Οι έχοντες και διαχειριζόμενοι την εξουσία, εδώ και χρόνια η είναι ανίκανοι η ΔΕΝ ΘΕΛΟΥΝ να βρούν μιά λύση
γ. Στην κατάσταση που είμαστε ως κοινωνία απ΄όλες τις απόψεις, θα καταλήξουμε να σφαζόμαστε στους δρόμους.
Αυτα και πάω να φτιάξω καφε.
Yesterday, a 44 year old man was murdered-allegedly by migrants-while he was taking his pregnant wife to hospital. Three men knifed him to steal his video camera. Some started chasing any dark skinned man they saw in the neighborhood.
And I'm sad, scared and furious. We never ever have been a racist society. Never!
And I don't want to ever see my country and my city turning phobic against migrants. On the other hand, society can't take it any longer and someone has to take care of the problem before something very very nasty happens!
PS.Thanks for asking what the state is doing about it ...
for the last 20 years all governments have been pretending that the elephant is NOT in the living-room.
OH MY GOSH!!! That's horrible, and so scary! What a terrible situation for everyone. The migrants are stuck and then forced to become thieves just to survive, but Greece has to just deal with it. A million illegal immigrants in your country? 1 out of 10 people are illegal immigrants???! That is outrageous!
ReplyDeleteEstimates say there are 12-30 million illegal immigrants in the US, but our overall population is 310 million, which makes your problem completely unbelievable. Most of the illegals in our country are in states bordering Mexico and also in Florida. The majority are Mexican but we have many from El Salvador, Guatamala, Cuba, Honduras, and we have some from India, Korea, and the Philippines too, plus smaller amounts from lots of other countries.
I'm sitting here thinking about what it must be like to be you. Your country is so easy to sneak into. So many countries that are so close...how can you possibly protect your borders from these people? They rob your country of so much, but how can you fight so many??? I would feel like you do: scared and angry. FURIOUS is what I would feel too...but...what can you do about it???
For me, I have lived in California most of my life. We have had to deal with illegal immigrants as a way of life. Love them or hate them, you have to deal with them. In our country, the ones we can see are like locusts, milling around in certain areas where they may be lucky enough to get picked up for day jobs. Others are absorbed in the hispanic/other communities to find reasonable work as they can, and they do ok. Still others are forced to work in miserable conditions, in dark shops where they have long hours for very little pay, but they have no voice. I feel so sad for those who are forced into the sex trades, very often underaged, scarred for life, and many are used up and left for dead.
It's an awful subject. Talking about illegal immigrants is nearly on the same level as talking about religion, abortion or politics...it's absolutely explosive. Everyone has a very strong opinion and there's no clear-cut answer. In the United States, if you bring up illegal immigrants, the volume goes up to 10 right away. And...I see that the same is for Greece.
For me right now, I'm thinking about the numbers: 1 out of 10 people in Greece are illegal immigrants, compared to a high end of 1 out of 10 for the US. Greece is in a terrible situation. :( :( :( I don't blame you for being so upset. It makes me crazy too.
As my comment is to large to fit blog standards, I am making it available at this location instead of chopping it to pieces:
@ Janet,
ReplyDelete*sigh*. If you see the matter globaly and historically,there is no way to stop desperate people migrating massively. And this is what is been happening the last couple of decades.
Like water running from the highest to the lowest point.
There are international "mafias" taking advantage of poor peoples dream for a better life.They "advertise" thetrip to wealth and prosperity,they charge something around 2-3.000 dollars a head.
In our case,there are rings of smugglers transporting migrants from Turkey on rotten not seaworthy boats that often capsize in a storm and dozens of ppl-women and children too-drown :(( Greece has thousants of miles of sea borders,can't guard them all. And very often greek warships save drowning ppl,you cant possibly let them die.
Greece has signed a european treaty-the Dublin treaty-which states that illegal migrants have to stay in the first country they reach...So south countries like us,Malta,Italy and Spain have become "dump-bins" for all these unfortunate souls.
I see no solution unless it is a European one,either to assimilate them or make conditions in their countries better so these ppl have no reason to risk their lives to cross to Europe-or the USA.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post and for sharing your opinion Mio :]
There isn't an easy solution in view. Italy hasnt found one yet,Spain either,and they are much bigger and richer countries than Greece.
Having read a lot of history,I'm chilingly aware that racism/fascism/nazism raises it's ugly head under resession/crisis conditions.
It's crazy and surreal to see 20something Neonazis in Europe saluting with a "hail Hitler".
I will do anything not to see this happening in Greece for @#$% sake!!!!
PS Notice the difference between being a patriot and being a nationalist :] *hugs*
PS2 How is your dog doing??
Οργη και αγανακτηση για την σφαγη του ανθρωπου, αλλα και για την εγκληματικη αδιαφορια, ανικανοτητα, ανυπαρξια, λουφα, πες τε το οπως θελετε, των "κυβερνωντων". Και μετα απελπισια, γιαιτ με την πορεια που εχουμε χαραξει και ακολουθουμε, σε λιγο θα βλεπουμε την Ακροπολη με τα κυαλια απο τον Υμηττο γιατι αυτη θα ειναι η αποσταση ασφαλειας.
ReplyDeleteΠιάσε τα ταμπούρια στον Υμηττο,εξάδελφε,ανεβαίνουμε κι εμείς οσονούπω!
ReplyDelete@Μιο,your comment and the one by Janet got lost in the google mayhem.I saw them read them,answered and then they were gone :(
ReplyDeletePS How is your dog doing?