Εδώ και καιρό μου 'ρχεται και μου ξανάρχεται στο μυαλό η εικόνα τού βάτραχου στην κατσαρόλα.
Τού γνωστού πειράματος, πού λεει ότι αν βάλεις έναν βάτραχο σε μια κατσαρόλα με νερό που βράζει,ο βάτραχος-πολύ σοφά, αλλά και λόγω αντανακλαστικών-θα πηδήξει αμέσως έξω.
Εδώ βλέπετε την υγιή αντίδραση του βατράχου
Αν όμως βάλεις τον βάτραχο σε μια κατσαρόλα με ωραίο δροσερό νεράκι και ανάψει το μάτι στο σιγανό, ο βάτραχος δεν θα αντιδράσει,γιατί η θερμοκρασία ανεβαίνει λίγο λίγο....μέχρι να πάρει χαμπάρι το κορόϊδο ότι κάτι δεν πάει καλά θα έχει βράσει...(έχει αρχίσει να σού θυμίζει κάτι, έστω αμυδρά, Τούλα; Οχι ακόμα...)
Όπως και να το κάνουμε, είναι ολόκληρη επιστήμη το βράσιμο τού βατράχου. Πρέπει να τον έχεις προετοιμάσει ψυχολογικά. Να είναι τρομοκρατημένος (ο βάτραχος). Να μην σκεφτεί να την κάνει από την ωραία, γυαλιστερή και ασφαλή του κατσαρόλα.
Σκασίλα του τι γίνεται στον μεγάλο κόσμο εκτός του σκεύους...
κάτι πλανάται στην ατμόσφαιρα, σαν να κάνει και λίγη ζέστη τώρα τελευταία...αλλά αυτοί οι καλοί κύριοι με τούς άσπρους σκούφους και τις κουτάλες
τον διαβεβαιώνουν ότι όλα θα έχουν αίσια και ευτυχή κατάληξη.
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Εδώ, ο ανέμελος βάτραχος, νομίζει ότι κάνει χαμάμ. Τον συμβουλεύουν επίσης ,οι κύριοι με τους άσπρους σκούφους και τις κουτάλες, να κάνει υπομονή, να μην κουνιέται και να μην διαμαρτύρεται (γιατί μπορεί να μην βγει νόστιμη η σούπα). Γιατί τα λέω τούτα; Γιατί έχουνε στρώσει το τραπέζι, ο ψηλός ο μάγειρας μας χαμογελάει φιλικά, ο κοντός ο διπλανός του ετοιμάζεται να ρίξει τα κρεμμυδάκια-ελαφρά τσιγαρισμένα να έχει καραμελώσει η ζάχαρη τους-το κρασί σερβιρίστηκε και η σεβαστή ομήγυρη αδημονεί να φάει το κυρίως πιάτο! Κάτι μου λέει ότι είναι ώρα να την κάνουμε από την κατσαρόλα. |
That's me, ranting about the way we are being boiled like the well known frog in a pot thing.
You know... The one where the frog leaps right out of the boiling water but...if put in a pot with cold water and slowly brought to boil...the stupid frog doesnt get the danger signal !!!
That's the way the government and our IMF/European "friends" are treating us during the crisis.
Time to jumb out of the pot guys!!
It sounds like Greece is having many economic problems too. Here in the United States, we are suffering from a horrible lack of jobs and many people call this recession a modern Depression like the The Great Depression in the 1930s, which affected the whole world. I don't know if all countries are suffering, but I do know that this new depression is widespread, and I'm sorry that Greece is suffering too. I hope that you and your husband are doing ok with your jobs. Steve and I are doing alright but it's very hard because we used to make so much more money, and now we have to change our business so we can try to keep a good income. *hugs*
ReplyDeleteWell,to be honest we are both out of jobs,but we are the lucky of the unlucky ones:]
ReplyDeleteWe got a nice compensation sum,we have no loans, we own only two credit cards,which have 0 debt and-most important-we own the house we live in.
The light at the end of the tunnel is that in summer of 2012 we will get our pensions and live happily ever after...lol
Other people we know or don't know are sacked, they get nothing in compensation money, they have a mortage on the house,children to take care of and no hope for a pension before they reach 65...
The world crisis as I see it is a huge blunder-caused by greediness-of the big banks so now evrybody has to pay to cover up the burst of the bubble.
In Greece it is complimented by an antiquated and costly and inefficient public sector and endemic political corruption... It would take me weeks to explain the details *sigh*
Ayway,as long as we can feed the cats we will be ok...and wait for next summer:)
Wow...it sounds very bad. In the United States, we have had to cut x BILLION from the budget, and that's just the government. Almost every state has its own budget where they are cutting massive amounts and still it will not be balanced. The terrible thing is that the poor people hurt the most of all. Shelters for homeless are shut down, hospital clinics and daycare for low income, closed. After school activities for children, gone. Libraries, closed. Many state and national parks are closed. School teachers do not get raises, they have to teach more students with fewer books. It goes on and on and on.
ReplyDeleteI am sure it is probably like that in Greece too. We have our own forms of corruption too. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Same story, different year. Is there any wonder why I hate politics so much? I do not like to waste time on things I cannot change or influence, so I don't pay too much attention to our government or what is going on. It will only make me very angry and there is nothing I can do about it. So Steve and I try to make our way without being too affected by this terrible recession, but it is touching us anyway! :(
The GOOD thing is that having an internet connection is inexpensive and writing a blog is free! Taking pictures on a digital camera: FREE! And making a new and very wonderful friend from Greece: PRICELESS. *hugs*
Talking about world crisis....I watched this video a few minutes ago...WOA how interesting and fun :]
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that the FED is a private bank!!I didn't know T.Jefferson fought the bankers (Hurray for him) and there are a lot of things I don't know about the US of A...Thank God,I have a friend from Oregon ;]]
If you have time watch the comic and tell me what you think
*big hug and a nice cup of espresso with cookies.